Optical Scan Voting System

  • After you’ve been qualified to vote at your voting precinct, the election official will hand you a pre-printed ballot with spaces to record your selection for each of the candidates and issues to be decided in your area.
  • Take your ballot to the next available voting booth.
  • Using only the pencil or marker provided, fill in the “bubble” or complete the “arrow” next to the candidate or issue for which you wish to vote. Please make sure you select only one candidate or issue in each race.

    Optical Scan Voting System

  • In some races, you may be given the option to vote for a candidate who is not listed on the ballot. Without marking a “bubble” or “arrow” for any other candidate in that race, mark the “bubble” or “arrow” next to “Write-in” and then, in the space provided, write the name of the candidate for whom you wish to vote.
  • If you make a mistake, do not try to erase or cross out the name and then vote for another candidate in that race. Instead, ask your election official for a new ballot.
  • When you’ve finished voting for all the candidates and issues on the ballot, depending on your precinct, take your ballot and (a) place it in the ballot box or (b) insert it into the optical scanner to record your selections and, when finished, place it into the ballot box.